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Maintainability npm

ui-overwatch is a tool, which should help to keep the functionality of your UI/Application across instances working. This comes in handy, if you have the same application running on several instances.

With overwatch, you configure a project, and define test scenarios. Those test scenarios will run against every project configured and alarm you if some tests fail.

Those test scenarios are executed using playwright.


npm install ui-overwatch


Checkout ui-overwatch-cli project for the official CLI

How To

Check out the example folder for project and test case configuration.

Provide the file pattern and let overwatch do the magic

import { addReporter, datadogReporter, slackReporter, overwatch } from 'ui-overwatch';

addReporter( slackReporter( process.env.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL ) );
addReporter( datadogReporter( process.env.DD_CLIENT_API_KEY ) );

overwatch( [], './projects/**/*.js', './test-cases/**/*.js');

Or load the files and pass the objects into the runner. This way you can have your own implementation of config files.

import { addReporter, datadogReporter, slackReporter, runner, loadProjects, loadTestCases } from 'ui-overwatch';

addReporter( slackReporter( process.env.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL ) );
addReporter( datadogReporter( process.env.DD_CLIENT_API_KEY ) );

const environments = ['prod'];
const projects = await loadProject(environments, './projects/**/*.js');
const testCases = await loadTestCases(environments, './test-cases/**/*.js');

await runner(testCases, projects);

CLI Output

CLI Output

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